I have come across a lot of Thyroid/Autoimmune/Pregnancy/IBS discussion boards as a big part of my Internet 'research' (on these types of non-academic issues especially). The reason I am posting exclusively about this is because I think that people's experiences, successes, and failures are just as useful to me as the information posted on the Mayo Clinic web site.
That is truthfully how I feel. Why wouldn't someone who has a chronic condition, tried various treatments, seen various doctors, etc. etc. be a sort of expert in their own right? In any case, as an illustration I will use DD's last pediatrician appointment.
My DH told the pediatrician that our DD had had a runny nose for some time and that it seemed to correlate with teething. The pediatrician said that a runny nose as a symptom of teething is not supported in any medical literature that she's come across, but that she has heard from hundreds of parents that runny noses and teething go hand in hand. So because of so much practical evidence, she is able to see that a runny nose might very well be because of teething.
So the following is from a Baby Center discussion board in which a woman posts about treating her own thyroid. Obviously, I found this quite interesting. She did go see an endocrinologist and seems to have a regular doctor, she just isn't all about taking their word as law.
I came on this chat page to answer...and her question about Selenium and Thyroid antibodies.
I'm 25 and was diagnosed with Hashimoto's about 2 years ago. My TSH was a 7.0 (normal range is 0.3-3.0) but it is best to be between a 1.0-2.0 for pregnancy. My Thyroid Antibodies were at 607.2 (normal is .03-3.0) I started taking 200mcg of Selenium with 400IU of Vit E in the mornings. 3months later my TSH was down to 2.3 and my antibodies were down to 290.4. My last blood work was this week and My TSH is at a 1.9 and my antibodies are the same, so I'm starting a Gluten free diet and taking B vitamins to see if this helps the antibodies to go down more. Selenium saved my life, before going on it I was having such horrible panic attacks that I could not leave me home. So Selenium did drop my TSH back to normal and my antibodies in half! I really hope this helps you!"
[Here someone basically says "What the hell?! You have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and have to be on medication for the rest of your life. Aren't you on Synthroid?"
"Yes, your thyroid peroxidase antibodies should not be over a 3.0, so I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's when they were at a 607.2 and my TSH was a 7.0 It's only considered Hashimoto's if your antibodies are high AND you have a high TSH. I never started taking Synthroid/Thyroid Replacement even though my doctor wanted me to. After 4 weeks on Selenium and Vit E my TSH dropped to 5.3 and my Endo said not to get my hopes up, that I may still have to go on synthroid, then the next month my TSH dropped to 4.6 and by the 3rd month my TSH was down to a 2.3 and my antibodies were down half of what they were. It's been almost 2 years and all I've ever taken is Selenium and last week my TSH was 1.9, so now I technically do not have Hashimoto's, Because my TSH is normal without medication. At the same time 2 years ago I was diagnosed with IC a cronic bladder problem and fibrocystic breast disease. After being on selenium for a year, they both disappeared! My docotors have even done case studies on me and are giving their patients selenium now. I just want other people to know that there is something out there that may help them. Also Many studies have been done on pregnant women taking selenium and they have found it to help with other complications that can happen during pregnancy."
Here are the links to the Selenium and Vit E that I take
DO NOT take selenium with any Vitamin C...Supplements, orange juice..ect...It will counteract the Selenium. Vitamin E helps the uptake of Selenium that's why I take them together.
I've been told that Selenium is safe during pregnancy.
alot of studies have been done in Italy on the subject
here's a link to one
Here are some intersting facts about Hashi's
Vitamin D deficiency can cause Hashimoto's
Just had my blood work done and found out that I have a very bad Vitamin D deficiency. Most people do and don't even know it.
Also if you have ever used antibiotics, they can cause your antibodies to go radical, so my doctor also told me to go on Probiotics, they play a huge part on calming Thyroid Antibodies as does Vitamin D.
Also I've started using a non fluoride toothpaste. When Hyperthyroid first showed up in the USA the only thing they used to slow down they thyroid was Fluoride! If you use it everyday in your toothpase, it very well could be making you hypothyroid.
Another thing...Gluten allergies can also cause High Thyroid antibodies!
Something has to be causing us to get Hashimoto's! I just feel it is best to be tested for the CAUSE of the disease, then try to fix it natural first.
If I would have listened to my first doctor and endo, I would be on drugs for the rest of my life.
I now daily take:
200mcg of Selenium with 400IU of Vit E
B-50 Complex Vitamins with folic acid
Omega 3's
all in the morning
then 5,000 IU of Vit D before dinner!
I Feel 100% better than I did 2 years ago!
Oh and by the way! The FDA hates natural cures because they can not make money off them! Haha!"
[Here someone says that Synthroid is a supplement like any other and that it seems the same philosophically to take Synthroid or Selenium.]
"Sorry to say, but Synthroid is medication! Your Thyroid naturally produces T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 and a bone protector. Synthroid is Pure T4 That's all! Hence the reason many women who are on Synthroid for life end up with Osteoporosis. Also your thyroid uses T4 and converts it to T3 (what the bodies uses) So if there is a problem with the thyroid converting the T3 you will still be Hypo.
Also 90% of people with Hypothyroid do test positive for thyroid Antibodies! Your thyroid does not normally stop working on its own, something causes it to.
As far as taking supplements goes, most people with autoimmune disease have issues with their intestines absorbing the proper nutrients. It is very hard to get 200mcg of Selenium a day just by eating food. You would also need to go outside buck naked EVERY day for 30mins a day to get the proper amount of Vitamin D from the sun. It is a Fact that most people with Hashimoto's are Deficient in Vitamin D, Iron, B12 and Selenium and being so can cause hypothyroid. Also Omega 3's are anti inflammatory and calm thyroid antibodies. I'm living proof!
Then again I could have just gone on Sythroid for the rest of my life, let my thyroid DIE and constanly be going in for tests and readjusting my medication dose..yes medication because you do need a perscription for it! Most doctors are drug pushers, because they get kickbacks from the pharmaceutical companies.
At the end of the day
Synthroid was created by MAN
Vitamins and Minerals are Created by GOD
I trust him more than man.
I do understand that some peoples thyroids are dead and they HAVE to go on thyroid hormone replacement. I'm just letting people know that there are other things out there."
Obviously, I hope I have as much success doing natural stuff. I did find another woman online who tried all the 'natural' things and didn't feel any better at all. She was essentially very discouraging because her attitude now is that you WILL need some medication, so just take it already and give up trying for something better. :/ It bears noting that she believes her health problems are largely due to growing up in a house filled with black mold that wasn't discovered until she moved out. Eeek.
It's very nice reading and connecting with people online who are striving for the same things--to locate the source of 'inflammation', stop the inflammation, and ideally recover from the autoimmune processes that have been started.
The short story is that after my second kid was born, I developed some weird autoimmune problems and wicked IBS. ;) Your Human Guinea Pig is about me being shuffled from doctor to doctor in order to figure out what was going on with my body. Needless to say I started to feel like a human guinea pig, being experimented on and experimenting on myself. The experiment continues...
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