Wednesday, September 3, 2014

BPA: Everywhere Chemicals

I have written before (Parts 1, 2, & 3!) about BPA in plastics and how harmful they can be. I have tried to eliminate lots of plastics from our kitchen (but not totally, because $) to cut down on BPA exposure. Why do I care? Sure, because I don't want my kids to have health problems but also because of a potential elevated risk for miscarriage due to BPA exposure. :( Luckily the FDA has mostly taken BPA out of anything for children, but...

...a while back (gosh, like a year ago), a friend messaged me and added to the growing body of evidence that BPA is no good: "...a new study just came out about BPA and miscarriages. The results found that women who had the highest levels of BPA in their bloodstream were 80% more likely to miscarry. And keep in mind, BPA isn't just in bottles and plastic containers, but in food can linings and all cash receipts. The biochemist involved says it's too early to say if it's a causal link, but that it does add to the biological plausibility that BPA may impair fertility. Also, the endocrinologist involved suggested that, if possible, avoid canned foods, cooking and heating plastic, and avoiding unnecessary cash receipts." Info about the study can be found here. Scientists call "phthalates" (BPA is one) "everywhere chemicals" because they're so prevalent.

I've been thinking about this ever since because I can't find a way to avoid BPA. It. Is. Everywhere. We use canned foods sometimes (like beans for chili) and everywhere I shop they use bags and receipts that apparently have BPA in them.

I guess what it takes is more vigilance on my part, like remembering to bring reusable shopping bags to the store and putting my kid's school sandwiches in foil or wax paper instead of a baggie. Sigh. Sometimes caring about carcinogens, be it plastic, pesticides, etc. is exhausting. In the end, let's just say I'll try my best and accept that I can't totally avoid BPA. So say we all! by khunaspix

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Elizabeth, CO, United States
I'm a Mombrarian.