Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Food From the Bible, Quacks, & Yummy Kefir

This might be kind of a long blog because I want to say several things. Here is my You-Don't-Have-To-Read-This-Whole-Post Summary: I read a book about a 'Biblical' diet, found out some weird things, and we love kefir! The End.

The biblically-based diet was good in theory, but not so much in practice. The dude didn't have a lot of reasoning behind some of the things he recommended. Color me cynical, but at least cite a Bible verse or some historical document in which Israelites ate blabbedy-blah. I read some reviews online by fellow readers and learned that a) the author only recommended products that he produced and b) his certifications/degrees were something of a mockery. Yes, I did double-check these things. :) Accordingly, I have found some other books on what Jesus ate and I am curious enough to give those a try.

The sad thing is that I think the author did make some good points, but all that goodness is cancelled out by his questionable credentials. Of the things he did recommend, I am taking some and leaving some.

We have given kefir a try and love it! It's like yogurt, but ten-times more powerful and amazing. My DS and DH would drink the whole bottle if I let them. And they'd probably morph into a kefir-powered superheroes, Acidophilus Man & his sidekick Good Gut Boy. I also agree with the book's advice to stay away from pork and stick with fish.

I am leaving the recommendation that it is better to be out in the sun A LOT. I think the sun can be good in moderation. I'm also not sure about the advice to NOT eat some fruits (like apples and bananas) and to only eat berries, lemons, limes, and grapefruit. If the author knew that only some fruits and veggies were available in the Garden of Eden, I might be more willing to believe this seemingly arbitrary piece of advice.

In researching a bit about the diet's recommendations, I came across a statement that basically said it hasn't been proven that eating organic produce is better than not eating organic. I think that's just hogwash and propoganda. 'They' want us to eat GMO foods and take medications to fuel the big money-making machine. Sigh. Maybe I'm a crazy conspiracy theorist, but that's how I feel right now!

In any case, kefir=yum.

1 comment:

  1. While store bought kefir is better than no kefir, homemade kefir made from kefir grains is even better!

    Store bought kefir has around 12(+- depending on brand) strains of bacteria and yeast, whereas homemade has 30+ and to make your own all you need are the grains and some milk. Much cheaper than buying bottles of bottles of premade kefir whenever you run out. Grains are a one time purchase and as long as you take good care of them they will live forever, creating new grains for you and your friends!

    If you are interested in where you can get grains, check this link out: Get Kefir Grains The site also contains recipes once you are actively making kefir to keep your kefiring life intersting!

    There are 2 sections, one for getting free grains and one for buying grains. Generally if you are looking for them for free you may need to wait a bit longer than just purchasing them, choose which option suits you best!


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Elizabeth, CO, United States
I'm a Mombrarian.