Today I had a lovely (read, not lovely) chat with my Cool Acupuncture Guy. I started off the day by forgetting that I had an appointment with him and instead getting a 15 minute reminder on my cell phone. I called, thinking surely it was a mistake.
It wasn't. The receptionist said she was just wondering where I was.
In any case, I actually spoke to Cool Acupuncture Guy. To fill in the blanks, I had started taken the Herbal Tea to help with "Loose GI" but after six days I hadn't seen any improvement so I stopped taking it. On Day Three I actually noticed an increase in ick. Day Four I called and left a message but because it was right before Thanksgiving no one was really around and I didn't get a call back until Monday.
Point being...I got chastised for not taking my Herbal stuff. When faced with someone's passive aggressive disapproval, I can apparently get fairly tongue-tied. Instead of coherently saying what I needed to say I'm pretty sure I came across as a bumbling idiot. I tried to tell him that I was interested in getting checked for parasites, but to him I think this seemed very out-of-left field.
So I tried my best to explain what I was thinking (namely, that a parasite problem might be inhibiting my healing and herbal remedies) and he said that the Herbal Tea would help with parasites and would help with the loose GI. Also, someone with a damp constitution (read--out of balance) would be susceptible to parasites. So I ended the conversation like a downtrodden dog, confused about what to do next.
I think the CAG assumes I have some sort of worm, which compared to the Blastocystis that I do have is a cakewalk. Worms are easy to kill! Protozoa or whatever, that dig into your intestinal walls, not so much.
How to keep the peace and explain my thinking? I have no idea. I left a message and emailed CAG, because I do value his opinion and I want his help through this process. Hopefully it won't be a battle if I want to take Western drugs to kill my-maybe-surviving-parasite. And it would have helped if I hadn't missed my appointment in the first place.
The short story is that after my second kid was born, I developed some weird autoimmune problems and wicked IBS. ;) Your Human Guinea Pig is about me being shuffled from doctor to doctor in order to figure out what was going on with my body. Needless to say I started to feel like a human guinea pig, being experimented on and experimenting on myself. The experiment continues...
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