Saturday, March 9, 2013

Your Human Guinea Pig, The Trendsetter

I've been seeing headlines about just how many people have been avoiding wheat:
Those of you who know me know that I still don't eat wheat and milk. Originally suggested by a chiropractor and an acupuncturist to 'down-regulate' my overactive immune system, it seems to work for me. I'll continue to stick to my diet lifestyle regardless of what's trendy, but I have to admit I am curious about the trend.

Huff Post reports that there has been an increase in the number of people diagnosed with Celiac Disease, but "another reason is simply the supposed health benefits of forgoing gluten. Make no mistake, gluten-free is a diet trend that has gained popularity in pop culture and the media. The majority of people going gluten-free are not doing so out of medical necessity."

Some lovely people even made a video about it called One Grain More:

CNBC reports that "...restaurants have released a bevy of new gluten-free items and menus, while grocers have lined their shelves with new options from food manufacturers that eliminate the ingredient. Some even advertise products as "gluten free" that naturally lack the ingredient."

I'm all for that! Cater to me! But will it last? " some ways...gluten awareness is just another diet trend, like the low-carb craze, which was inspired by the Atkins and South Beach diet craze of the early 2000s...every product has a lifecycle regardless of whether it's part of a diet trend...the market will certainly shrink as attention moves to the next thing." (I chopped the heck out of this quote, but didn't change the meaning. Go to CNBC to see who said it.)

Looking around on the web, I found an article from USA Today in 2008 that talked about the growing gluten free trend: "...many gluten shunners may have no real trouble with gluten...they feel better because they consume fewer fast and processed foods, which tend to contain gluten." That sounds good to me!

I have to think that the new Paleo Diet trends have something to do with the popularity of avoiding wheat as well. I hate to say it, but I think this commercial explosion of wheat avoidance is just a fad. But I'm going to enjoy the glut of Nicky-Friendly Products while they're here...

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Elizabeth, CO, United States
I'm a Mombrarian.