Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Good Times Deliver Bad Times

On Sunday night I decided to eat Good Times fries--no batter, just regular fries I thought. But since Sunday night I have had (TMI! If you don't want to hear about my innards...don't read any further) horrible bloating, discomfort, and yes, the big D for diarrhea.

I warned you, I'm sorry if you didn't want to read that. ;)

Today I have finally started to feel better, but I am a little frustrated. With myself and also with Good Times, because none of their ingredient information is available online. Sure, I can find plenty of places that purport to have their nutrition facts, but I really don't care about how much fat is in their fries. I want to know what I ate!

The wild fries (the battered ones, the ones that I am going to just assume are not gluten-free) are sometimes fried in corn oil. If the fresh-cut fries are fried in the same oil...? They'd not only be fried in CORN but also would have wheat all over them as well.

In any case, if you have read the Backstory part of my blog, you know that the blood test for Celiac Disease was negative, but also that the blood test is only 85% accurate. (I mean, some people who legitimately have Celiac Disease have a negative blood test.) I hope I put that information in the Backstory, otherwise you, Dear Reader, are poorly informed.

In any case, if the blood test is insufficient the only other bona-fide Western medicine way to see if one has Celiac Disease is to have an endoscopy and take a biopsy of the small intestine.

I don't really want a biopsy.

I am going to call something that acts like Celiac Disease and feels like Celiac Disease, Celiac Disease. But because it's not official, I'm going to call it "Wheat-Gives-Nicky-Diarrhea-Disease". So, when someone asks why I have a restricted diet, I'll say I have "W.G.N.D.D." and then maybe look embarrassed so they won't ask me anymore questions. ;)

Do I need to be sedated, knocked out, and biopsied to know that gluten and corn give me the shits? Hell no!

The weirdest part is that I called Cool Acupuncture Guy to see why I still had arthritis on this herbal stuff and in the course of our conversation, he said that on Sunday night he had also had fries, also tries to avoid gluten, and is also currently having diarrhea.

Probably my high point today. :) I get to lament my diarrhea with someone!

Update--I got the Good Times ingredient list! Fresh cut fries are just potatoes and salt, but they fry those along with everything else they make.....hmm.....

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Elizabeth, CO, United States
I'm a Mombrarian.