Today I went to the Cool Acupuncture Guy again! I am officially hypothyroid right now, so I was eager to see him. He is treating me TOTALLY differently than a Western doctor would, so here's the rundown:
*I got a surprise acupuncture treatment! Seriously, I didn't know he was going to do that until he started sticking needles in me. But it was a good nap.
*He felt my pulse for a looong time and eventually told me that he thought I had not only a Yang Deficiency (of which hypothyroid is a part...) but a Yin deficiency causing just general imbalance and dischord. This is crazy talk compared to the doctor-talk we're used to. But I'm willing to give it a try because the theory behind what he's saying makes sense to me.
*Now I'm taking not only Thyroxal (kind of for hypothyroidism, mostly for thyroid support) and ClearVite, but also some Chinese herb that is supposed to support the adrenals. They're little round pellets and I am supposed to take 12 of them, 2 times a day.
*I am still staying off of any foods that might cause my body to become inflamed, i.e. anything I'm sensitive to. CAG seems to think (and so far I agree) that food is a big trigger for me.
*CAG reiterated that he was trying to treat my immune malfunction, not the symptoms of hypothyroidism. The theory is that by giving hypothyroid patients Levothyroxine, we're just treating the symptoms of a larger problem.
*I also am currently wearing an herbal poultice on my c-section scar! Supposed to help blood flow to that area and help it heal better. I smell all minty because of it, which I guess isn't a bad thing...but also CAG smeared it all over my jeans on accident. Whoops.
I am supposed to go back in 2-4 weeks, depending, and I'm hoping that this works. I'm officially off the deep end because I am not taking or doing anything that a Western doctor recommended, except I am still keeping a food journal!
The short story is that after my second kid was born, I developed some weird autoimmune problems and wicked IBS. ;) Your Human Guinea Pig is about me being shuffled from doctor to doctor in order to figure out what was going on with my body. Needless to say I started to feel like a human guinea pig, being experimented on and experimenting on myself. The experiment continues...
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