Friday, November 18, 2011

Update #534

So I haven't been doing so great lately, because for inexplicable reasons, I went from doing great! to doing really, really badly as far and *other* things. Two weeks ago I enjoyed a brief reprieve from my crazy intestinal system. Two weeks later, I'm pretty sure I've shed a bunch of pounds again.

I made an appointment with Cool Acupuncture Guy to figure out what the problem might be. Sadly, after a long appointment, I really didn't ask any questions. I was just so glad that someone was listening to me and trying to find a solution!

One thing that baffled me was the bagels--previously blamed (by me) for being the trigger for Crazy-Tummy, CAG said that it couldn't be those bagels! They are made--though the package says otherwise--on separate machinery from wheaty things AND he has Celiac Disease patients who eat them regularly. On the other hand, I know that different people have different sensitivities and different tolerance levels for foods, drugs, etc. etc. In any case, CAG is convinced that the handful of popcorn I had that night (yes, people, this is my life) is what the real problem is.

He prescribed taking some weird Chinese herbs (yay!) to stop the Big D and 'warm me up'. So today is Day 2 of taking Chinese-Anti-Diarrheal-Herbs. Normally I would have asked what he thought happened, what the problem might be, and what herbs I am taking, but right now I'm just exhausted from trying so hard to figure out what's wrong. They have helped a little so far, but I don't know how long they are supposed to take to "work".

He also spend an inordinate amount of time trying to get me to specify everything I've been eating. And I didn't even bother to bring my food journal in. So, I gather that CAG thinks it's something I've been eating, like my system was finally back in balance and I screwed it up again. Maybe it was the wine. ;) I'm supposed to check back in, in two weeks and I really hope that by then I am singing a different tune. A healthier, more nourished tune.

I also finally forked over some cash to have some blood-allergy testing, the IgG kind, not the IgA kind. Some believe that measuring IgG antibodies (when your blood is exposed to certain foods) will help identify food allergies and food intolerances. Some think it's quackery.

One of my good friends says I should relax, do yoga, get massages, and just try to take a mental break from what I'm eating and what's wrong with me. I will try. I will!

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Elizabeth, CO, United States
I'm a Mombrarian.