Monday, January 23, 2012

Which of These Things Is Not Like The Other?

I think I mentioned yesterday that I haven't had the Big D in about five days, which is record-breaking for me.

In this time of Intestinal Peace (later to be referred to as The Great Peace of 2012), I have realized that when I eat insoluble fiber things go South quickly. Forgive the pun. Now, I asked my DH what insoluble fiber is and it's basically fiber that our bodies can't digest very well that helps 'move things along'. It's what people with constipation are supposed to get more of.

For DH, eating things with lots of insoluble fiber is good. For me, it's bad.

What makes this all the more interesting to me is that in the past, things with lots of insoluble fiber (strawberries, popcorn, corn, beans, nuts...) have not fared well in my tummy and I thought it was because of an intolerance or allergy. Now I'm wondering if it's just too much insoluble fiber at one time. I would assume that eating popcorn and an apple together is healthy, and it is, but it still gives me Big D because it's just TOO MUCH FIBER.

This is hilarious. Really? Fiber? That's what's been aggravating my tummy issues?

Here is a list of foods from this wonderful site called Help for IBS. There is a page on this site all about how insoluble fiber can exacerbate IBS.

The author of this site says that "Insoluble fiber, like fat, is a very powerful GI tract stimulant, and for those of us with Irritable Bowel Syndrome this can spell big trouble."

Here is a list of foods high in insoluble fiber:

Whole wheat flour, whole wheat bread, whole wheat cereal
Wheat bran
Whole grains, whole grain breads, whole grain cereals
Beans and lentils (mashed or pureed they're much safer)
Berries (blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, cranberries, etc.)
Grapes and raisins
Peaches, nectarines, apricots, and pears with skins (peeled they're much safer)
Apples (peeled they're safe)
Oranges, grapefruits, lemons, limes
Dates and prunes
Greens (spinach, lettuce, kale, mesclun, collards, arugala, watercress, etc.)
Whole peas, snow peas, snap peas, pea pods
Green beans
Kernel corn
Bell peppers (roasted and peeled they're safer)
Eggplant (peeled and seeded it's much safer)
Onions, shallots, leeks, scallions, garlic
Cabbage, bok choy, Brussels sprouts
Tomatoes (peeled and seeded, especially raw, they're much safer)
Cucumbers (again, peel and seed them and they're much safer)
Sprouts (alfalfa, sunflower, radish, etc.)
Fresh herbs

The site also says not to eat any of these foods alone, which is a further revelation for me since I've had bad (sometimes horrible) reactions after eating nuts, strawberries, popcorn, etc. etc. all alone. Makes sense why that would upset my tummy now. More advice on insoluble fiber--eat it with something soluble (like a banana). I'm not clear on which other foods have lots of soluble fiber so I need to go read up on that. So far all that comes to mind are apples and bananas.

This is also the site that recommended trying peppermint oil to calm down the intestine and Boy-Howdee has that worked for me. :) Peppermint Tea is a daily staple now.

My DH asked me today if I buy into the IBS diagnosis after seeing some of the IBS Puzzle Pieces fall into place for me. I guess...a little more so. If the things that help IBS-D (that's Irritable Bowel Syndrome-Diarrhea, for the intestinal-acronym challenged) also help me, then that is freaking wonderful. I still think it's a vague diagnosis and a catch-all term for things that docs don't quite understand. I didn't have crazy sensitive bowels before abdominal surgery, but I do now, so it's IBS.

This site does provide some answers on this front as well (loving this web site!) on this page: Gastrocolic Reflex and Irritable Bowel Syndrome. The page basically says that normally your intestine moves in a normal, regular pattern. In people with IBS, it can either be spastic (diarrhea) or hardly move at all (constipation). So, this normal reflex just plain isn't working as it should.

These are pics from the Help for IBS site:

HA! Anal verge. I don't know what that means, but it sounds a little like a rock band. Anyway, maybe there is something to this 'IBS' thing and maybe I will have to do more research. Sigh.

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Elizabeth, CO, United States
I'm a Mombrarian.