Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Updates & Insights

I went to see my Doctor of Osteopathy yesterday. It was a kind of check-up for my thyroid and to see how things were going. I just think she's the best. Here's the rundown:

*I was able to tell her that, for whatever reason, Tirosint treats me better than Nature Throid. I have less arthritis and all that.

*It's too soon to do a blood draw to see how my levels are, so I'll go back in a few weeks to check thyroid hormones, Iron levels, etc.

*I asked about my liver and kidney function tests and they're fine. If you recall, many were convinced I had autoimmune hepatitis, so this was very reassuring to me. :)

*I asked how she felt about someday trying again to wean off of thyroid medication and see if my ol' thyroid can pick up the slack. We checked my TPO antibodies from February (at 15, where above 34 is out of the lab range). It's a good sign to me that my antibodies keep dropping. Hopefully they'll be gone someday.

Anyway, I keep thinking of the stories I've heard where people did things to change their diets and lifestyles and were able to go off of thyroid medication. I'm also a little concerned because 18 months ago 100 mcg was WAY TOO MUCH medication for me because my "thyroid was still working", so a doctor said. Now, because of taking medication, my thyroid appears to be fully suppressed and taking a nice vacation from working so hard. ;)

I don't know, I just thought I'd ask.

Lo and behold, Doctor Awesome said she had another patient who presented with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis (antibodies present) at six months postpartum (exactly when I had major problems too). The patient was put on medication and after a month and a half decided to stop taking them. Somehow, her thyroid evened itself out and her levels are fine. Sigh. I so very wish things had gone differently when I went to the doctor that first time.

But they went the way they went. My point is, is that Doctor Awesome said she would be willing to try to do some other weaning experiment someday.

*Doctor Awesome also has a background in OB/GYN which is kind of awesome. She was going to be an OB but then realized how our medical system is kind of crazy right now. Those natural birthing books I keep reading that are angry about the formula every mom is inserted into (i.e., labor last this long, you will dilate this much, if you don't we will break your water, give you Drug A, then Drug B, then you are "failing to progress" so you get a C-Section...) are correct.

She said she left the OB field because she was getting frustrated that every night at 5 PM, the OB in charge would tell her to get every woman in labor moving along so he/she could go home. Waters were broken, Pitocin was given, just because of some dude's busy schedule. That's crap. And now I know that the complaints of natural birth people are not just sensationalism, they're real. Another friend in the baby field says she sees it all the time.

I like her. :)

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Elizabeth, CO, United States
I'm a Mombrarian.