Monday, September 12, 2011

My Confessional

I just wanted to write to say that despite my best efforts and my sometimes grandstanding, I still forget my 'green' shopping bags when I go to the store. The look on the cashier's faces when I go to Natural Grocer's is priceless.

"Do you have your shopping bags?"

"Oh, crap. you have some?"

"No." Steely eyed glare.

"Oh. Okay..."

"We have boxes. Did you want a box?"

"Well, yes, I guess I'll have to use the boxes. I'll recycle them?"

I haven't gotten rid of ALL of our plastic storage containers because it's going to take a million years and it's expensive to get glassware. One piece at a time....

I tried to stand up to the dentist about my fillings and when push came to shove, I backed down.

I let the pediatrician bully me into thinking my daughter was too little for her age and I gave her some weird ass toddler formula that I'm still not sure about. Really she is happy and healthy, walks and talks, and has her own mind like any one-year-old.

I want to have a VBAC, but am not sure if I have deep-down what it takes to do it.

Even though I know I'm supposed to restrict my diet A LOT, I still think it'll be okay if I have that one thing with a little bit of that ingredient in it. I'm an idiot.

I don't eat enough vegetables.

Sometimes I don't buy organic because it's just too damn much more money than the crappy GMO foods.

I think we're all just trying to do our best.

1 comment:

  1. I. love. this. I freak out about it all--ESPECIALLY when it comes to Berean. I think in the end it's just a reminder that I'm finite and ultimately I need to trust God to take care of me and my family! And that heaven is going to be awesome. :)



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Elizabeth, CO, United States
I'm a Mombrarian.